Identifying the Skills Gaps in your Organisation

Identifying the Skills Gaps in your Organisation

The first step towards solving the problem of skills gaps is identifying where they layin your organisation. There are a few ways to do this and it’s important that you and your business look at your skills gaps issues from all angles. Once you have the tools you need to do this, you’ll find your skills gaps are easy to identify and deal with quickly and effectively. Here a few things to consider.

Skills gap analysis

The best way to identify the skills gaps in your organisation is to perform a skills g apanalysis. So, what is this? You can conduct your skills gap analysis in two parts. First on an individual level and then on the whole team. Begin by identifying the skills your individual employee needs to have to be effective, and then think about the skills you as a company see as important to your production. Then measure the skills your employees have against those that are needed, both as individual sand as part of a team.


Bottlenecks can be a big problem as this slows down your production. A bottleneck is where a lack of skills slows down your process, stopping your employees and production from continuing at an acceptable pace, because the skills to keep work flowing are missing. If only one person has the skills to keep production flowing, you create a bottleneck. Once you understand what your skills gaps are, you can open up your bottlenecks and allow work to flow.


One way to deal with this problem is to recruit staff who do have those skills. Once you have performed your skills gap analysis and you know where you need to fill gaps, you can target the people you need. In the post, Solving Your Business’ Tech Skills Gaps, you can read more on why this may be the right option for you, or why you may want to recruit along side other options too.

Training programs

As well as recruiting new staff to deal with your skills gaps, arranging training programs will help you to sort out your skills gaps. Training your existing staff, and any new recruits, will empower your workforce and make them able to work across various areas of your business. This gets rid of bottlenecks and makes your employees more flexible and adaptable to changes.

Comurce tools to help

So, how does Comurce help you to identify your skills gaps? Simply put Comurce helps you to plan more effectively and to build a better workforce plan. With organisation at the heart of what we do, you will be able to forecast your skillsgaps ahead of them occurring and causing you problems. Comurce will help you to understand the supply and demand of skills and to perform a skills based assessment. With these tools you can stay one step ahead of skills gaps and you’ll know what to do to fill the gaps in your talent before it creates issues for your business.